
<p>My D just got her first "CONGRATULATIONS" Letter! To TCU! We are so excited! Although I'm not sure how high TCU is on her list at least we know she will be going somewhere. YEAH!!!!</p>

<p>I got accepted today too! TCU is second on my list (ironically, to a rival - SMU) so I'm really pumped.</p>

<p>Congrats! :D I'm applying RD. Hopefully, I'll get a letter of acceptance, too! :)</p>

<p>I just got accepted today! It's strange because I wasn't expecting to get a reply this early. I submitted everything 30 days ago. But they said my essay was a pivotal point in deciding my acceptance. :)</p>

<p>Congrats, I am still trying to convince my dtr (who was accepted earlierthis month ) that this school would be great for her. I think she wants to be closer to home though.</p>

<p>thanks! i live only a few hours away from tcu, but i'm still not sure. Is it a great school for business? </p>

<p>I'm just wondering what are some great aspects of tcu that spurred you to think that this university would be best for your child.</p>

<p>Although she doesn't like the distance thing I think it would be great for her. She is a bit shy and she needs to push the envelope a little more. The size , school spirit and general academics is a really good fit for her. also...both my husband and I went there. :-)</p>

<p>Wow, you did? well, I just heard from my brother's boys scout leader, who is now a VP in a prestigious company, that he graduated from TCU and he spoke highly of everything about it. </p>

<p>I'm pretty shy as well, which is why I thought TCU's size of ~7000 was better than UT's size of ~27000. Hmm, if I can get some scholarships, TCU seems like a great choice.</p>

<p>i got my acceptance letter too.!
actually i didn't want to go there until they sent me a scholarship letter...ha.!
[SMU's my first choice, followed by UT, then a&m...]
but, anywho
i think i'm going up there for their black student weekend...
muy excited;
congrats peeps.!</p>

<p>Hello everyone, I'm from Myanmar, International Student and I got accepted to TCU as well...and a scholarship!!! Still waiting for other schools to reply but TCU's 4 in my list!!!</p>

<p>It was third on my list until I got my scholarship. I would be absolutely insane/hated by my family not to go there. Got twice what Baylor offered, even though BU was my first choice, then UT. :)</p>

<p>Plus my moms an alum, so I think she was biased to begin with.</p>

<p>I was just wondering how long it took you guys to get the letter after you guys applied? And did scholarship info come with your decision notification?</p>

<p>I just applied a couple of weeks ago, but I was expecting to have to wait to mid-March. Finding out sooner would be great!</p>

<p>MBP, my son applied early action, which was due by Nov 1. To be considered for scholarships, apps had to be in by Dec 15, according to the website. He was notified of acceptance in (I think) early December and, yes, he did receive scholarship notice at that time.</p>