<p>Wahoo! I'm in :) I found out 'cause the coach called and told me haha. I am in bioengineering/biotechnology/whatever they call it now. I can post stats if you want but I'm a recruited athlete so no telling if my stats represent the student body.</p>
<p>Edit: I'm in at Cal Poly, CMU, U. of Miami, Case Western, A&M, and U. of Cali. San Diego. I'm waiting on Berkeley and Rice (top choice). I like the beach and warm weather if you can't tell haha.</p>
<p>Sats: 740m, 670r and 680 subject IIs
G.P.A.: 5.1/5 my high school’s gpa is weird…who does it out of 5?
EC: State athlete, founder of recycling club, eagle scout are the main ones but lots of other lil things like NHS, and volunteer thingys
My essays were…interesting…I think they captured me as a person haha
What else is there for stats…um…Im out of state (TX) and white so nothin else really</p>
<p>Edit: oh and i have taken 2 years of all AP classes…i think like 12 credits</p>
<p>As far as weather goes, Im used to it because I live in PA already. Pittsburgh to me was actually a plus. I think its such a wonderful little city.</p>