Accepting the MT class

<p>What is JMU’s policy for choosing the MT class? Do they decide at the end of each audition day who they want to admit from that day and as a result there are less chances to be admitted at later dates? Or does JMU wait until they all are over and review them all to see who they want so all days are on an even playing field? Any info on this process would be great!</p>

<p>We wait until all auditions are complete before making decisions on a class. We are a small program… aim for a freshman MT class of 8 - 12… so waiting until the end to make decisions on who to accept allows us to build a class of varied types, with different strengths.</p>

<p>Academically JMU is not a rolling admissions school, and we cannot notify students if whether or not they have been accepted into the program until after academic decisions have been made. So, those students who were admitted academically though Early Action, generally will hear from us in the program by the beginning of March. Those who are admitted academically through the Regular Decision process will generally hear from us in late March/ Early April.</p>

<p>A students who is admitted academically to JMU, but not to the program may attend JMU in a different major. A student who is not admitted academically to JMU will not hear from us in the program whether or not they might have been admitted to the program if they had been admitted academically.</p>

<p>Even though we can notify EA academic admits earlier, there is no benefit to the EA in terms of program admissions decisions.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thanks yes that definitely helped!</p>

<p>KatMT - If audition is submitted via DVD does that lessen the chance or is it looked at equally?</p>

<p>Hello Raam1012. We do look at all DVD/ video submitted auditions that follow the guidelines we send when asked.</p>

<p>We much prefer that a prospective student come to campus to audition… this gives us a chance to work with you in the audition, talk with you, and for you to have a chance to meet the faculty, current students, tour the facilities etc… It may lessen the chance slightly, since we do not have the same opportunity to work with and meet a prospective student. However, if it is impossible to come to campus, a DVD/ video submission is better than not auditioning at all. </p>

<p>We currently have one student in the program who auditioned via a video submission. This student was initially waitlisted for Musical Theatre, then later admitted to the program… before the deposit deadline, I believe, once we knew we had room in the incoming class. Others have been admitted directly, without being waitlisted. Others have been denied admission to the program. I have not done the math, but I would guess that the admit rate off of DVD auditions if I take into account the past 7 years is similar, but slightly lower than the on campus admit rate of 12% - 15%… maybe closer to 8% - 10%. We generally do not get more than 10 - 20 video submissions per year. </p>

<p>If I am remembering correctly we have admitted approximately 1 student per year off of a DVD/ video audition each year since the class that entered in the fall of 2007 (some years 0, some years 2). I have no data before this time, since that was the start of my time at JMU. This is not a policy, just an indication that we do look at the submissions, and consider them with the pool of applicants. </p>

<p>Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions. </p>

<p>Happy New Year!</p>

<p>Thanks for the information KatMT. The date we hoped to attend is full so we have requested to be on the wait list for that date. If nothing opens up then, unfortunately, DVD audition will have to do. A campus visit would be much preferred so we will hope for an opening for a live audition.</p>

<p>KatMT - Do you only admit MT students as freshman? Are sophomores (or juniors) transferring in able to audition for a spot? If so, how many do you normally admit or is that number included in the numbers you stated above (8 -12)? </p>

<p>Thank you</p>