<p>Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you know already know your "access code". I read about it on this page: The</a> D: Application Checklist</p>
<p>"access code, which is a seven-digit number included in the data verification notification you received from us after you began your application"</p>
<p>I don't think I have received any data verification notification or codes after I started/submitted my application. Any ideas?</p>
<p>umm, I didn’t get one either, but I think that I’m able to check mine b/c I set up an account on the Duke website…just have your email adress as your login name, then I think it’ll work. Sorry if this is no help. :)</p>
<p>prepre, did you mean The D or the VIP checklist page? The D has been down for quite a while. I think they are setting things up so we ED-ers could check our results soon.</p>
<p>Go to your common app ( i used common app, im not sure if its the same for the universal app) and click on the link that leads u to your PDF of your main common app application (it will have the date submitted or downloaded next to it). If you scroll down to the bottom of each page, you should see in the middle a 7 number combination and then your Last name, First Name. </p>
<p>I think that is common app id which i think might be the access code they are talking about. But im not positive.</p>
<p>Oh, good speculation, RoryDuhMan. Hopefully I shouldn’t worry too much because most of us are not certain about what this code is supposed to be.</p>
<p>haha yeah we are all in the dark together. Ah this whole waiting period is terrible, its like a roller coaster…some days im ok and other days i am preparing to mourn for my rejection or deferral.</p>