Accidental Misreports on UC Application! How to fix?

So I recently submitted my UC application and am an out of state applicant. I applied to UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSD. After talking with some friends who also applied, they told me under the academic history, the honors courses offered in my high school are NOT considered honors level. I filled my academic history without knowing this, so my submitted application has way more classes that are HL, when they should be NH. For example, on my transcript, I have Honors Biology as a 9th grade course, and indicated on my application this was honors level (HL). However, it should be (NH) since it is a school-designated honors course. I have about 11 classes that I made this mistake with. Additionally, I accidentally misreported the units for a college course I took. I indicated it was 10 units, but it was actually only 4 units. I am now extremely worried that my application offers an inaccurate representation of my academic profile. Are these errors a big deal, and if they are, how can I go about making sure I fix them? Sorry if this post was difficult to understand.

UCSD and UCLA accept changes to coursework. Look up “after you apply as a freshman UC.” You should be able to submit changes after you gain access to the individual campuses’ portals.

For Berkeley, my counselor advised me to just reach out to the college so you have record that you tried to reach out and let them know. But they don’t accept changes.