So I was accepted to UCSC and went through the SIR form online, filling it out. I didn’t intend to submit it, but when I clicked through to the 7th page, it congratulated me on committing! I only meant to fill out all the info, I thought I’d get some kind of warning. I am still waiting to hear from 3 UC schools and, while I really want to go to Santa Cruz, I haven’t thought through all my options. It didn’t prompt me to pay anything. Will this impact my other UC decisions?! It was a total mistake! Can I retract it temporarily?
I’m kinda just laughing at myself, I can’t believe I did this :facepalm:
LOL. I don’t have the answers, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Thanks @lbwaterpoloman, it’s situations like these where you have to just laugh at yourself. I feel like a total dunce!
Worst case scenario, I keep the SIR and go to Santa Cruz… lol
Since I haven’t heard from UCSB, Cal, or UCLA, I’m hoping that they can’t see I SIRed. I’m concerned that they’ll reject me on the basis that I accepted an offer. Is that possible?
No, the UCs don’t see other UC’s decisions.
I’d just wait it out. If you are accepted somewhere else you would rather go, call up UCSC and explain that it was an accident, thank them for their consideration, and ask for them to decline it for you.
I feel like that would happen a lot, so its no big deal!
Interesting, @luckie1367… I feel better knowing that! It seems like a lot of trouble to cancel it and then do it again, since it’s one of my top schools. As long as it creates no further problems, perhaps I’ll do that. Thank you.
@rileyc21. But you didn’t pay, right? It costs $100. Just SIR somewhere else.
@lindyk8 No, I haven’t paid anything. The fee may have been waived due to my financial circumstances (I got a fee waiver for my applications originally). I’m guessing that’s what makes it binding?
Last year ppl double SIR’d. Just forget about it for now, later on SIR where you want and let this campus know if you need it removed. With the fee waiver, you may need to let UCSC know first.
Hi! When I legit read this I thought I had posted this in another life because the exact same thing happened to me this year! I want to know how the outcome came to be for your situation though if it all was okay?
oh crap, good thing I didnt go through all of it and left it at the page where you choose your top colleges.
Dude this just happened to me 
@BlackPlasma yikes ya UCSC needs to make it a little clearer and give a final review page haha my only other consideration is UCLA bc they are offering like a full ride but I want to see UCSC financial aid too because that’s school I like much more
Yea, just called today and had the SIR reset on my portal. Don’t press continue on page 6 of SIR.
There is no page seven.
@BlackPlasma okay I think I will have to give them a call! It didn’t like elimante your chances of still accepting at UCSC correct?
@shap00py no. When I called the guy asked me if I wanted to withdraw, he explained that it is basically reseting the SIR. My portal now reads “Congrats, You have been admitted to UCSC for fall quarter” and such. I can also do SIR again with blank application.
@BlackPlasma so I called right now And a girl told me she couldn’t really do anything /: did you call admissions office?
@shap00py yea. Though I had already sent the email and the guy found it. He forwarded to someone called Janet Reedy. I got a reply quick and she said my SIR was reset.