<p>I just took an AP Bio exam on the Sparknotes website, and I was wondering, are the MC tests on the website similar to the real AP exam MC sections?</p>
<p>I just took an AP Bio exam on the Sparknotes website, and I was wondering, are the MC tests on the website similar to the real AP exam MC sections?</p>
<p>I wonder the same thing. It’s totally crazy. S took the AP practice for BIO weeks ago and got a 5 ( as high one). Took the Subject test for Bio yesterday and got only 650. We’re getting the Princeton book this week. He’s not taking it until JUNE thank God…</p>
<p>I remember I took all the practice tests I could last year for AP Bio. I don’t exactly remember if the Sparknotes test was accurate but it probably helped a bit. But to be honest the real test was MUCH different than any that I had taken, including old AP Bio tests from years past.</p>
<p>I got a 5 on the test. It’s crazy hard, you better know your stuff (or at least your plants and body systems)!</p>