<p>After watching it, I first sensed a feeling of slight revulsion at my own generation, and than started to ask if this was even an accurate depiction of the current generation.</p>
<p>This may have something to do with the fact I am at a military academy and don't see anyone like this on a regular basis, but I was wondering what civilian schoolers think of this.</p>
<p>P.S. I definitely don't agree with the Mr. Rogers thing</p>
<p>I love broad sweeping generalizations formed from small bits of anecdotal evidence. Perhaps this is true of the 74% of our generation that are not attending school, but those in college certainly aren't like this at all. I got pretty angry when that lady started talking about how managers have to talk to employees like a therapist would on TV. Who is she and what scientific study did she use to come to that conclusion? Has she even talked to the average university student?</p>
<p>It all seems so typical of the older generation to make baseless accusations against the younger generations.</p>
<p>I didn't watch the clip, but I was kind of amused by: "It all seems so typical of the older generation to make baseless accusations against the younger generations." An eye for an eye? :p</p>
<p>(Yes, I still understood the point, but I've seen a few comments like this and I tend to find them a bit funny.)</p>
<p>the trophy was just an accessory that no one really cared about; it was always about the competition, the joy of victory, and being the best...all in all this video was a load of crap</p>
<p>Interesting... there is probably some truth but it is a bunch of wide-sweeping generalizations. Selfishness is certainly an issue when it comes to work. The attitude expressed by some of these young adults is very worrisome.</p>
<p>On the other hand, this article seems very biased toward assuming a positive approach to management as negative, when, in fact, various studies have shown that regardless of upbringing positive reinforcement is ALWAYS more effective than punishing.</p>
<p>I think it's ridiculous that these managers believe they have to "dumb it down." Keeping standards up is the only way to keep this from becoming the norm (which it is NOT yet). If the people you're hiring are strolling in late wearing flip flops and listening to ipods, you're hiring the wrong freaking people! We talked about this in one of my classes as well and I think it's such a stupid generalization and a sad reflection not of our generation, but of the state of our society as a whole and our lack of good interpersonal connection.</p>
<p>The only thing they're right about is that we as a generation are more self-interested. And why shouldn't we be? After watching our parents get laid off after working at the same company for 30 years and getting their retirements yanked out from under them.....</p>
<p>Yeah you attract more flies with honey...or whatever the saying is. Whatever, we don't understand the older generations and they don't understand us. So what? And when they retire en mass between now and the next decade, we're going to replace them. That means they have to cater to us.</p>
<p>On the flipside, we don't take crap sitting down, from anyone.</p>