i got a letter in the mail from the ACT stating that they may cancel my scores because of my significant improvement. i took the first test in september and recieved a 23 and took another on in october and got a 29. ive never been accused of cheating before, so im fighting this. i have no time to retake and prepare for the test and i dont want to cancel my scores for the hard work i had put into this test. i have teachers, my counslor and tutor wirte letters explaining how i did my own individual work. im also already committed to a school i sent in the first deposit. will it be possible they take away my acceptance and scholorship? the first time i took the test i skipped many questions, guessed and i didnt prepare at all i went in just to take the test and also i had family issues going on that caused a major distraction. is it possible that i can still keep my score or would they most likley cancel it?
I’m retaking it in a few days and expect on jumping from a 22 composite to a (hopefully) 27+. If they contact me and ask me to take it again, I won’t have a problem with it so long as it’s a day that I’m free.
what did you end up doing? I got s letter in the mail also
You will need to provide ACT evidence of your test prep efforts. Provide evidence that includes tests, books and a statement from your tutor if you used one.
How do you provide the ACT Evidence? Like send them all your practice tests and a used act prep book?
Often pictures of your practice work will suffice.
You probably didn’t mark up your test booklet enough, especially in Math. So ACT probably thinks you cheated.
But if you did mark up your test booklet and did all sorts of Math calculations on the test booklet, just tell the ACT to look at your booklet. That should prove you didn’t cheat.
I knew a student who didn’t mark up his booklet at all. His score went up 6pts within 2 months. His score was dismissed because it looked like he cheated.
I also knew another student who marked up her booklet, went up 7pts in 2 months, but wasn’t accused of anything.
The ACT keeps your original booklet for a reason.
How long after they put your score online did you receive the letter? Because my score just went from a 20 to 26… Now I’m scared! I want to be ready before I receive a letter
A change of 20 to 26 is quite reasonable with prep. Do not worry, about this. I don’t think your scores would be selected for audit.