Act book review

<p>has anyone heard anything about this book? :</a> Dissecting the ACT: A Unique Student Perspective on the ACT or ACT Test Prep with Real ACT questions: Rajiv Raju, Silpa Raju: Books</p>

<p>It looks promising, but it would be cool if someone told me if they liked it or not :)</p>

<p>Oh, and another thing that I was wondering if anyone used, was the ACT in a box. Good bad? THANKS! :)</p>

<p>I swear it’s my last question. </p>

<p>I got Barron’s ACT today, and when I took the Diagnostic it said I would get a 27. How realistic is that? I have heard that it’s much harder than the real one, but I don’t know how much harder. Let me know if you have any opinions. Thanks!</p>

<p>no one? i have like three questions…please help</p>

<p>47 views, 0 answers? pwease?</p>

