ACT COmposite or SUblevels

<p>Hi, I'm stupid.</p>

<p>Do colleges see your ACT COMPOSITE SCORE</p>

<p>or do they see all the sublevels as well, such as what you recieved in math, sciences, english, and reading?</p>

<p>They get essentially the same thing you do and that includes composite and section scores. In fact, there are colleges that rely more heavily on the math and English score than any others including composite, and some, like Rose-Hulman and Georgia Tech, use only the math and English scores for admission and ignore composite, science, and reading.</p>

<p>are those the only schools you know of that throw out the science and reading sections? because, for example, if they see that you are a science major wouldn't most schools look at that science section more closely?</p>

<p>They are the two that I know of that do not use science even though they are both tech schools. More generally, many colleges that rely on the composite (e.g., Illinois, Michigan) actually do not give more weight to the science section for admission to their science or engineering programs (they actually give more weight to the math sections). They recognize that the "science" section is not really that and is more a section on interpreting graphs and data given. Also, if you are junior and can still retake before applying, you might consider a retake. Many who do poorly on the science section the first time out, imporve with a retake after practice tests and the reason appears to be that the science section has a high degree of "unfamiliarity" when first taken mainly because it is not really "science" as students think of that term.</p>