ACT Composite Rounding

<p>Do they always truncate the score when calculating the composite? I got 31 or English, 33 or Science, 33 on Reading, and 36 on Math with no essay. This would give a 33.5 I would assume, which normally would round up to a 34, but it goes to a 33 composite. So do they truncate the composite?</p>

<p>thats a 33.25 not a 33.5</p>

<p>Ya, you’re right. That’s a dumb mistake to make :stuck_out_tongue: And I’ve gotten an 800 and 36 on the SAT and ACT in Math. But a similar question is what about the fact that those four scores could be more like 33.25, 34.25, etc. It could turn out that with those actual decimal scores, the overall score would be a point higher than just using the normal scores. At least I think it could be. Let me test it out.</p>

<p>Nvm, I don’t think it could.</p>