So last month when I took the ACT I brought my TI-Nspire CX. The proctor who was also a teacher at the HS asked me “what kind of calculator is this?” I was like its a graphing calculator… She was like no duh and so she said she is not sure if I am allowed to use it so she took it and went somewhere out of the classroom to get it checked. 15 minutes later and she said that it isn’t allowed so she just gave me a TI-84 to use instead which is fine I guess.
Note: I didn’t have any programs or anything on my Ti-Nspire. Also, this is the CX version not the CAS.
Not sure about the new version of the ACT, but CX (w/o CAS) are totally fine. When I took the old ACT, CXs were explicitly allowed as long as it wasn’t CAS.
Luckily for you it was fine. I have never used an TI-84 except for basic four function calculations so I would have been screwed.
I mean I would have been more comfortable with my Nspire since I’m use to it and I think its better with that color screen and QWERTY keyboard.
I am kind of mad, the ACT explicitly states that the TI-Nspire CX is allowed but not the CAS. That is not fair!
Maybe I can get file a complaint and get like a refund or get a free retest since I had a pretty low ACT score