I would like some tips from people who scored in the lowish 30s but who were able to boost it. I got a 32 from a practice test from the Red Book.
I have found that I am consistently left with 15 minutes at the end, despite always telling myself to slow down, so if anyone has any tips particularly for this, it would be appreciated.
thanks in advance
I highly recommend the book The Complete Guide to ACT English by Erica Meltzer. I got a 34 on the actual test using this and the red book (although I wouldn’t say this was my best performance) . After you use both books, you’ll notice reoccurring questions types on the actual test. I also usually finish with about 15 minutes left, so I look over my work. Many questions you got wrong will probably be careless errors. I star a couple of questions I had doubts on my first run through and look over them once I finish. If the questions you tend to get wrong are overall passage or sentence order questions, reread the passage since you tend to have a lot of time left.
@cram545 good tips in the book, thanks
whenever u are uncertain of a question, even if u r just a little bit uncertain, mark it
then, when u have time left over, go over all uncertain questions
15 minutes left on ACT english is a LOT of time. You are rushing and probably making careless errors. If you are answering 75 questions in 30 minutes, you are not likely to get a really high score. I suggest you check every answer before marking it on the scantron, and double check any you were uncertain about. Go passage by passage, and fill in the scantron after completing and checking each passage. That might slow you down.