ACT Essay Guide - How to Get a 12

<p>hey guys is the ACT essay similar to SAT style? Like is two full pages enough for a perfect score?</p>

<p>Im confused with the examples and making up stuff…
Can I make up statistics and percentages</p>

<p>I would not use precise numbers when making up statistics, but If I had to, I would use some words that would be relatively helpful for making my point. (Ex. the Majority, most, common consensus, etc…)</p>

<p>My son and I went over your suggestions the night before the SAT. He is a so so writer in my opinion but he incorporated your suggestions and got an 11/12 on the SAT essay and the essay was easy to read, had a hook, and many quotes…your suggestions were very helpful to him</p>

<p>I just made a quick list of people to use in your essay if you plan on fabricating most of it. Just learn some very general information about the people (included) and make up the rest!</p>

<p>The definitive list of somewhat obscure people to use on a standardized test essay:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I also recommend using the following people as sources for quotes (just because of plausibility):
Harun Yahya
Kurt Vonnegut
Stephen Hawking
Fei Long</p>

<p>Thanks so much! I’m taking it tomorrow, so this advice really helped :slight_smile:
Also, does it matter if we use first person? Like, would it not be recommended?</p>

<p>Does it really matter what you score on the essay? It doesn’t affect your english or composite score in any way, right? I don’t see the point in excessively trying to score above an 8 or 9, which doesn’t take too much effort.</p>

<p>I did a really corny “zinger” today xD</p>

<p>Saving this~</p>

<p>For examples I used myself as a student (and my perspective) and other hypothetical people from different perspectives. I think I did apathetic administrators and pro-freedom of expression administrators. I’m not sure if this was a good idea though; I’ve never taken the ACT before. I was kind of nervous and couldn’t concentrate to think of specific examples so I just did these. I thought it was a great essay nonetheless. Hopefully still a 12.</p>

<p>@yankeesfanatic Actually every point on the essay is equal to one point on your English total. For example, if you got a 36 on the English multiple choice alone, then got an 11 on the essay, you would get a 35 total. Likewise, if you got a 10 you’d get a 34. It really sucks because they don’t just round the 11 up to 12. The very fact that there can be an odd number as a score is a testament to the subjectivity of the essay-grading process.</p>

<p>I just want to say that this really works! I just took my act for the first time, got a 32, but a 12/12 on my essay! thanks for the help! I think the most important thing is the counterarguement. I also filled basically ALL the pages, and had a hook and a zinger- used FDRs “the only thing we have to fear…” quote</p>

<p>@yankeefreak127 thanks a lot this really helped me. I went from a 6 on writing to an 11 using your advice.</p>

<p>I thank the person that gave all the advice. I got a 10 the first time but I thought i wrote a HORRIBLE ESSAY. But still its 99th percentile and that’s sweet. Thankyou so much OP luv u</p>

<p>After having a tutor that did not stress the essay portion of the test at all. I turned to the web for tips.</p>

<p>I just wanted to say that after reading this post especially and a few other sites like sparknotes I was able to pull out a 30 composite, 10/12 essay, and 31 writing composite.</p>

<p>Again, thanks a bunch!</p>


<p>i love everyone’s advice, but how long does the essay need to be???
Don’t you get 4 pages? Do you only write 2 like SAT, or is all 4 recommended?
i know content matters a lot, but i know length can make a huge difference too.
Like on the SAT, my perfect grammar score got ruined by 40 points because of the essay:( i wrote less than 1.5 pages
i don’t want to screw up another time! the worst thing is watching your perfect scores lower because of an essay sigh</p>

<p>Followed your guide (for the most part, except the quotes I used actually weren’t fabricated), and got a 10/12 with a four paragraph essay less than 2 pages long. Appreciate it haha; I was worried the writing would crush my score, but I’m pretty happy with this.</p>

<p>I wish I read this before the September ACT. I got an 8, same as last time’s, so I’m sure I could’ve benefited from this. Someone should sticky this.</p>

<p>Make up examples as much as you want. Neither the sat or act grade on accuracy, just on how well your content proves your point. Proof: bsed my last 3 essays and got 11s on all of them (2 act, 1 sat)</p>

<p>Thanks! I used your tips in combination with some of my own techniques. I jumped from a 9 to a 12!!
The key is to find your technique. This is done through practice test upon practice test. Have an English teacher grade your essay if possible.</p>

<p>My technique was to look at issues from an economic standpoint. I used words such as “costs” “benefit” “marginal cost” and “marginal benefit”. For my refutation, I looked at the benefit of the other side’s idea. Then, I claimed that the costs greatly outweigh those benefits.
Also get good with transition words such as therefore, however, and furthermore. </p>

Be creative. You should write your essay like you’re writing for time magazine or NY Times. I mean write with some style! I made references to Tom Brady passes and TV shows.</p>

<p>I made an 8 on my essay T_T</p>

<p>guess I did not add enough examples…</p>