ACT Essay Guide - How to Get a 12

<p>Wish I read your post before taking the ACT test. I also received 34C score, but only got 9 on writing :(</p>

<p>Everyone is saying that you need to write a ton to get a good score on the essay 10+). If you didn’t write a lot but got your point across and said everything you wanted to in a concise manner than does page number matter? </p>

<p>2-pages should be your benchmark for a double digit score. I wrote 2.75 pages, explicit 5-paragraph essay with three different examples and got a 11. The more you write, the better score you receive, but if you get your point across relatively well, length does not really matter. </p>

<p>I wrote 4 and a half pages and my essay was one big rambling mess but somehow I still got an 11 so I think length definitely mattered (in my case).</p>

While taking an ACT prep class, my teacher told us that it was best to either support or refute the argument and said that we should never take a stance on both sides. However, being an AP Language and Composition student, my natural tendency is to qualify (both support and refute) the argument because my english teacher said that AP readers enjoy a change of pace from their usual readings. I was just wondering if qualifying an argument on the ACT essay is a good idea.

You should dedicate a whole paragraph to addressing the counter argument. That was my first body paragraph and I scored a 12 on my essay. @tofutoaster

What is the length of a paragraph according to the ACT (usually max. = 8)?


I’m freaking out about the reading and writing tests on the ACT. My exam is less than 4 days, and because its my senior year, this might be the last time I can take it to submit for early action colleges. I constantly get 26 on reading and 8 on essay. I NEED HELP. Though my math and english scores boost my composite, the reading and science bring it down. Any tips?

My most recent test:

English - 29 (Can improve to 30)
Math - 35 (Can improve to 36)
Reading- 26 (HELP!!!)
Science - 26 (HELP!!!)
Writing - 8 (HELP!!!)

My goal is to get a 31 - 32.

Any help is appreciated.

Wrong thread lol

Is someone willing to grade my horrible essay? I procrasinated on studying :(…I haven’t written a timed essay since freshman year, but I’m curious what I got…I’m going to do a timed essay every day for two weeks, but I would like to know what I got on the first timed essay I’ve ever written in a while…

Haha, I didn’t even finish, made up a lot of information, and didn’t even realize how fast time flies…

P.S. I’ll do the same for you, after I take this ACT.

OP, thanks so much for posting this. I followed it to the letter and got a 32 after being out of school for 7 years.

I just got this book for my son. It is great for the new ACT Writing: How to Write A New Killer ACT Essay by Tom Clements. You can get it on amazon.

I got a 36 on my essay. I managed to write the whole book and analyze each point as well as create my own point throughout the development of my essay. I also connected to real life examples. I had 1 historical, 1 literature and I had 1 from modern culture (Wall-E) lol. Good luck to everyone else taking the ACT essay. I know people who got 36 composite with 23 writing scores.