ACT Help...

<p>I was wondering which ACT prep book would prepare me better for the ACT...????????</p>

<p>i bought the priceton review one, but found the questions in their booklet quite different from the ones on the actual test...</p>

<p>PR is generally pretty good for the ACT. It should suffice....</p>

<p>I haven't gotten it myself, but I've heard that the Real ACT book (otherwise known as the red one) is one of the best.</p>

<p>i heard the Real ACT one has too much useless things that don't appear on the test... but im not too sure since i have never use it myself..</p>

<p>have u used it?</p>

<p>na..... the real ACT used past ACT tests, so it's pretty accurate based on scoring.</p>

<p>thank you... i guess ill buy that one... make copies of the tests return it and get another prep book.... hahahahahahahaah</p>