<p>Don't really see ACT Math questions like this anymore, can anyone help?</p>
<p>Answer: B</p>
<a href="http://i60.tinypic.com/2dvv6si.jpg">http://i60.tinypic.com/2dvv6si.jpg</a>
<p>Don't really see ACT Math questions like this anymore, can anyone help?</p>
<p>Answer: B</p>
<a href="http://i60.tinypic.com/2dvv6si.jpg">http://i60.tinypic.com/2dvv6si.jpg</a>
<p>There we go, picture is up.</p>
<p>Answer posted too</p>
<p>Math is my weakest section, so forgive me if I’m incorrect. Amplitude is controlled by the first variable, in this case ‘a.’ Amplitude is defined by the maximum/minimum value the graph reaches. If you look at the typical sin/cos graphs, the height is the same, and therefore so is the amplitude. However, the amplitude (height) of the sin graph is double the amplitude of the cosin graph in this case. Therefore, the value “a” must be greater for the sin graph, as that has a greater height, and in that sense, a greater amplitude. (Amplitude is directly proportional to height when plotting, unlike period.) Sorry if this is confusing, hard to explain by typing.</p>
<p>You are absolutely correct. I didn’t even consider the graph equations on this for some reason, thanks.</p>
<p>Basically amplitude is the absolute value of the distance from the x axis to the max or min of a graph and in an equation y=Bsin(x), B represents the amplitude. So when looking at the graph all them are greater than 0 an y1 has the greatest amplitude. Would you mind helping me on my math question I posted a few days ago.</p>