ACT Math

<p>Hello, I am worrying a little about the ACT math part. Does anyone know the best way to really improve your score here? Im pretty good at math, it''s just the timing in this section kills me. Also, are there any good programs that I should have on my calculator for the test? Are there any formulas that I should know?</p>

<p>Any help would really be appreciated. I really need to do well on this test as I've been working really hard to do that.</p>

<p>I thank you before hand for your help,</p>



<p>Go through and find all the cake questions that everyone should get first. Know the special triangles 30,60,90…45,45,90 etc. Know basic algebra formula, pythagorean theorem, area formulas, volume formulas stuff like that.</p>

<p>Thanks for that advice. I actually found a pretty good website that gives you some pretty basic, important formulas that you might want to know. (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>My only real other concern is are there any programs for the T1-84 that I want to have on there? I need to actually finish the test this time. I need help with the timing and I am just curious to see if there are any programs that you all have used in the past that have really helped you save time with some of your more difficult problems.</p>

<p>I appreciate all your help,</p>

<p>God Bless,</p>


<p>My advice is to blow through the easy questions at the beginning without ever second-guessing yourself. When I first took the ACT, I always re-checked my answers to verify that they were correct, but all that did was waste time. If you go through the first 30-40 questions really fast, you’ll have a lot more time to focus on the harder problems at the end. That technique worked for me in Oct. when I got a 36 on the math.</p>

<p>just get some practice books and work all the problems as fast as you can; and then make sure to look up why every answer is correct, especially the ones you got wrong (and look at the ones you got right too; maybe there was some other reasoning to why it was right that you didn’t know about)</p>

<p>the real ACT book (the red book) is good</p>

<p>barron’s is hard, but it’ll get your math skills up</p>

<p>PR is good</p>