ACT Oracle Error HELP!

Hi! So I went to check my ACT scores and everything was fine except that where my science scores and the rest of the page should be is a big fat ‘Oracle Error’. It says: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed

No further information.
What does this mean? Has anyone else had this problem? I know it (hopefully) doesn’t actually have anything to do with my scores but if anyone can offer some comforting words of wisdom from experience he/she would be much appreciated.

Me too. Exact and thing. Hoping the composite score is right. It’s the avg of the only two showing - English and math so I’m concerned it’s not accurate.

Wondering if it’s bc I signed in a bunch of times…?!

Exactly the same thing!!!

Do you guys think composite score is right?

Has anyone had a composite score that is not the average of their current scores?

Is your stated composite score the average of the two scores (English and Math) shown? If not, I’m inclined to think it’s correct and there’s something wrong w how it’s displayed.

i really hope composite stays the same

I just checked mine and had the same issue!

@kcollegekid samee!!!

This is crap.

Ok my family pROMISED to buy me a car if i get a 35… and i have it … w/o the science score. If something happens and my composite score changes im gONNA FRUCKING CRUSH ACT AND EIVHAEWIOFHEF

so does it change composite score???

My stated composite score (29) is about the average of the two (26 and 31). So frustrating.

BTW I read some other posts from the past that said they got rid of it by removing the cookies on your browser. idk it didn’t work for me but definitely try it.

I have no idea guys ahhh this is so annoying! I just got so excited because I finally hit 34 but its the average of my three scores shown… it better not change. I’ll be so upset if next week its like JUST kidding 32. And yes @jeewaannnn i tried that too but it didn’t work. I also heard that trying it on different devices alieved the error but mines messed up on everything… :-S

If anyone had this issue and has a composite that’s not the average of the shown scores please do tell so we can all calm down.

SIDENOTE::: i checked all my previous ACT scores and the first three always averaged to my final composite score anyway so I’m thinking that if we all got science scores in the realm of what we normally get or higher, then our composites are accurate. I hope.


My composite is not the average of the first three shown.

REALLY OMG @goodvibes01 that means that Oracle is hiding your awesome science score!! BLESS YOU!
we actually are smart everyone!