My composite score is not the average of the 2 listed
It’s doesn’t show my Reading or Science score.
English- 30
Math- 29
Composite- 28
ANOTHER PERSON TO QUELL OUR FEARS!! Thank you so much @MixedM17
We have oracle error too. And the composite is the average of the 3 scores. Who knows. Maybe someone needs to call. This is all so strange
I hope we don’t have to wait until next week to view our other scores!
@LvMyKids2 I’m pretty sure that you’re in the clear because many people have the same error, however their composition is not the average of the available scores. Hopefully this is the case for all of us!
Be sure to post when your hidden scores become available!
I got 36 english 29 math and 31 reading. Science isn’t showing but i got 31 composite. The average of my 3 scores should be a 32 so I dont think it averages just the scores showing
@bison2014 Wow!!! Awesome job! Thanks so much for commenting that definitely takes a weight off of my shoulder. I’d rather not have an ambiguous score
at least everyone’s scores are different im thinking that means the composite is correct but im having a minor melt down about this lol
MINE TOO this is so annoying. The only score I can’t see is my science and that was the one I needed to raise for super scoring!! It’s comforting to know this isnt just happening to me tho
Ok, so I got the same message on my site and doesn’t show the science. What does everyone here think? Will my composite change at all?
Yes, I have
Does anyone think the comp score will change once all scores are displayed. I’m only showing two scores and my comp score is def way lower than I had anticipated. Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!
I thought it was just me!! So does anyone know who we should contact about this?
I can only see Eng 36, Math 35, Reading 34…no Science. Comp is 34. This means I scored anywhere between a 29 and a 32 and science
@smileynan23 same my two scores that show doesn’t reflect my composite. I feel like it might change once the other two scores are released
I can’t see the science score, which is the one that needed improvement, but the composite IS the average of the others. Possible science is right in there too. Anyway, I sent a message to their technical help center (see bottom of page and Contact Us). If enough people bug them, maybe they will fix it quickly.
I just called and got the message “we are experiencing higher than normal call volumes, please try your call again later.”
They will fix this soon!
@contdes I tweeted at them to their page with a picture of my score lol
On hold with ACT now to try to get more info!
any word from act?