I gave up sat and decided to try act instead.I signd up for official online prep course and finished the first practice test.
Havent taken writing yet.
So it looks like i need help.
Can someone tell me which study tools i can use whole summer to increase my english and reading scores close to my math score?
This is the first time i try act.So im pretty new to act and dont know how to prepare for it. Since people say it is less coachable than sat im afraid that i cant pull my english and reading to 31+
Any help is appreciated..
Im international and already ordered the red book.
If anyone tried eprep(dot)com act prep and liked or disliked it please tell me because im considering to buy that course which is not cheap.</p>
<p>If I were you, I’d just stick with the Red Book. That, along with reference materials around the Internet that reference weird English/Math concepts, should be sufficient.</p>