Act question

<p>We just got my son’s ACT for the second time and he got a 33 :slight_smile: and his weighted GPA is 4.5 and unweighted is 3.8. Based on those stats he qualifies for the presidential scholarship for OOS. We are thrilled as Bama right now (he’s a junior) is his #1 choice. So my question is, should he take the ACT for a third time to try and get a better a score? Is there any more advantage to getting a 34 or 35 with regards to scholarships?</p>

<p>Congratulations on that excellent score!! </p>

<p>Yes, I believe there might be some money for a 35 or 36 ACT. M2CK might know more about it.</p>

<p>Is your S a possible NMF?</p>

<p>If your S is a Computer Science major or an Engineering major, he sould get an extra $2500 a year for a total of $10,000. Check to see if it is still true.</p>

<p>Due to a series of concussions my S was not able to take the PSAT his junior year so could not qualify for NMF. :(</p>