ACT ranges for NYU

<p>What is the lowest ACT score that can get you accepted into stern with 3.7 GPA a really great essay?3 clubs(president) 1100 community hours,couple of walks,intership work(over the summer)2 great recomendations,and best player on the team(high school team).Unfortunatly my parents dont make that much(under 30k a year).Also want to apply ED.And if its possible also give me ranges of acceptable act scores</p>

<p>do you mind me asking what you got? i heard that they have accepted 26’s before</p>

<p>I didnt take it yet thats the problem.But i will in 2-3 months.Asking so i would know what to aim for</p>

<p>I would say try to shoot for a 30, but anything 27 and higher should be ok. Just remember a few things when taking the ACT.

  1. Timing is everything. The test itself is really easy, but the time constraint is what makes it hard. Take practice tests, it will help you pace your self on testing day.
  2. You can take it as many times as you want, and you get score choice.
  3. The science and writing sections aren’t a joke, they will affect your composite.
  4. When you register, make sure you register for ACT WITH WRITING. NYU doesnt want it with out writing. </p>

<p>Good Luck! Also, if you can get a tutor, it helps ALOT.</p>

<p>I’m assuming when you say you want to apply for ED to the university, you mean for the fall of 2010? because the deadline for ED for the fall of 2009 is way far gone.</p>

<p>Yes the fall of 2010.I thought that ACT writing section doesnt affect the composite(the essay section i mean)?.Also do they take the best score of math section and english section just like on SAT?</p>

<p>I believe NYU does, but you have to remember to send all of your scores.</p>

<p>Ok and 1 more last question-If ill take ACT do i still have to take subj test?</p>

<p>future13, a lot of schools will waive the subject test requirement if you take the ACT. However, NYU is NOT one of those schools. You must take the ACT in addition to 2 subject tests. In my opinion, ACT is way better. </p>

<p>One tip for you: bubble in a response for each question that you don’t get to. Like one minute before the time is up, go through and just bubble in randomly. It may seem crazy, but ACT doesn’t count off like the SAT if you answer a question incorrectly. I bet that just by bubbling in all of the choices you could gain another point on your composite score, just because some of the choices you guessed should be right, statistically. That said, don’t do just half the questions and then bubble-away. Be careful with time. The english section for me was mad easy, I made like a 35 on that part. But science SUCKED and i only got a 24. So my composite ended up like a 29 all together, which is in NYU’s range. The middle 50% range for accepted students is 29-31.</p>

<p>How about math part?I thought ACT has 4 parts.english writing math and science.Plus essay.By the way does the essay will count seperatly from the composit score?</p>

<p>yes it does</p>

<p>The ACT does have 4 parts–english, math, science, and critical reading. And then there’s the writing test, which counts separately. The writing score does not affect your composite.</p>

<p>ok awsome and approximately how many questions per part you need to answer right to get 27-29?</p>

<p>I have a 3.9 GPA but only a 27 on the ACT. The reading and science components are ridiculously tough :frowning: I’ll be taking it one more time in a week and hope for some better luck.</p>

<p>I’m not sure for NYU in general, but for Stern, i’ve heard that the range is 29-33.</p>

<p>My friend got a 22 and got in… Lol.</p>

<p>Perry is incorrect. NYU is one of those schools who waives the requirements of the subject tests with the submission of the ACT instead of the SAT.</p>

<p>[NYU</a> > Undergraduate Admissions > Applying for Admission > Freshman Applicants > Standardized Tests](<a href=“How to Apply”>How to Apply)</p>

<p>^Yes. But they changed switched to that policy after Perry made that post. lol</p>

<p>and attention all ACT-senders: NYU superscores now!</p>

<p>Is it possible for me to get into NYU, with a 23 ACT score? I have a 4.0 GPA, and am in the IB full diploma program? What are my chance?</p>

<p>^^ i’m on the same boat as you!</p>

<p>It depends on which college within NYU you are applying for (Stern, CAS, Tisch, Gallatin, Steinhardt)</p>

<p>Stern = 32+
CAS 30+
Tisch = ?
Steinhardt = 26+
Gallatin = ?</p>

<p>This is IMO of what is acceptable/safe when applying to these schools. I’m enrolled into CAS with a 31 and 33 superscore. My friend did not get into Stern with a 32.</p>