ACT Reading- The Four Step System

<p>Has anybody tried the four step system for act reading from princeton review. Did you find success or was it a waste of time and effort. Reviews? Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>care to elaborate on the system?</p>

<p>Find critical words of the questions- 30 sec
Scan the passage for critical words and underline- 30 sec
Skim the passage and scribble main subject (3 words)- 60 sec
Practice the loop-40 sec per question</p>

<p>loop just mean go back and look at the section where you underline the critical word and read it because the answers are usually there but worded differently</p>


<p>That sounds way too complex. In general, most people like Princeton Review for their practice tests, not their strategies…</p>

<p>I believe that everyone should have their own strategies, not a universal one. You should customize a strategy that actually works for you instead of forcing yourself to follow a strategy that may make you uncomfortable.
The reason why PR’s strategy stinks is because time is flexible for each passage. I don’t spend the same amount of time for each passage. I’m good at Prose and may spend 4-6min on the section, while spending 6+min on the difficult (imo) Science section.</p>

<p>What are your strategies?</p>

<p>Do the easiest passages first and skim at a comfortable pace. Meaning you should skim but also understand what it’s talking about. I think that that’s the best way to not refer to the passages a lot when answering the questions. Again, I take less time for the Prose than the Science section. The time I use for the harder passages are made up by the easier passages. That way i’m not really wasting time. I typically have 2 easy and 2 hard or 1 easy and 3 hard. It depends if the social science and humanties passages are easy.</p>


Read passage, answer questions. Repeat. That only works for me because I can read quickly though.</p>

<p>I was just reading through this section as well in the PR book, and it really did not work for me. When I took my practice test, I got 33 Reading with no prep (just reading the passage and then answering the questions). I took a bit too long reading though, so I was straining to finish. I thought I would try out the PR strategy, because hey, maybe it would allow me to finish with time.</p>

<p>I was confused when I used their method. I didn’t understand what each paragraph was about. Maybe I’m terrible at skimming, I don’t know. I was wondering if this would be a good strategy for me: Underline key points in the questions, read passage thoroughly (while underlining key words from questions), and then answering the questions. Has anyone else used this method?</p>

<p>I tried the PR strategy, but it didn’t work for me. I suggest reading/skimming through the passages then answering the questions quickly and accurately. I pace myself by giving myself 8 minutes per passage, so that I can get accustomed to the speed. Hope that helps. BTW I save the prose passage last because those take longer.</p>