<p>Hey everyone</p>
<p>I'm currently applying EA to Georgetown and I took both the ACT and SAT. </p>
<p>My ACT was a 32 and my SAT was a 1300(C+M).</p>
<p>Basically my question is can I send my ACT instead of my SAT, but also send in my subject tests with my ACT?</p>
sorry. If you want to send anything from Collegeboard to GU, they make you send a full score report. You can’t choose anything different because GU has already given collegeboard directions to send all scores.</p>
<p>What if you take only the ACT and SAT Subject Tests?</p>
Then your score report would only have subject tests to report.</p>
<p>I called georgetown with the same question and they said while you do have to send all your scores and they will look at them all, whichever ones you put on your application they will look at mainly.
P.S we have the same scores! I didn’t want to send my SAT either, just the Act, but I guess I have to now</p>