ACT score improvement

I submitted my application for early action as an OOS resident with a 26 composite ACT. However today I just received my new ACT score from the December testing and my score went up 4 points to a composite of 30. Right away I sent my score to UW-Madison through the ACT website, is there any chance it will get there in time to affect my admissions decision?

I would contact Admissions and send them your new results directly. While they may not be considered “official” until receiving the score report from ACT, it can’t hurt…and might help!

Congrats @audrella! You are OOS, correct? That’s a great score and right around where you need to be for an OOS student. Definitely contact Admissions like @magtf1 is saying because you want to get clarity on whether or how this score will be viewed. (Unofficial) word is nothing’s coming out till late or end of January. Most likely this score won’t be considered for the EA round but you never know. The great news is that if you are deferred to regular round then it hopefully should count.

My friend has a very similar case to yours and they told her it will be considered if she chooses to get a regular decision rather than an early one. You should call them to make sure they consider it though, you have a much better chance with a 30! Good job!