ACT score submission question? Thanks! ( UC system)

this might have already been answered but I cant find anything on this subject.
sooo…I am taking the ACT October 23rd however the college application process starts October 1st and ends on November 30th. Should I/ CAN I submit my application as soon as the gate opens or should I wait to submit it with the ACT scores( november 15ish). PLEASE HELP!
I Know that scores can be submitted after the application however is this a hard process or not? THANKS!</p>

<p>The UC’s(and most colleges) wait until everything comes in and then start reviewing applicants(probably in late december or january). It isn’t a disadvantage either, UC’s review all applicants at the same time after everything has been submitted. Good Luck :)</p>

<p>You can send SATs/ACTs/SAT IIs scores up until the December testing date for UCs :)</p>

<p>And it’s not a hard process. Just use the score choice service offered by the testing programs.</p>

<p>OH MY GOD! you guys are AMAZING! thanks soooo much. well I had one more question: If the UCs don’t start reviewing the apps early, then WHAT THE HECK is up with the “early application” thing which favors early applicants as they are showing “interest”</p>

<p>the UCs do NOT favor early applicants.</p>

<p>the UCs do not HAVE early application programs.</p>


<p>I think that the OP was asking if there was an advantage to apply to UC on the first day that apps are accepted and the answer is ‘No.’ However, I have read in the paper that the head of the local Cal State says that everyone should apply on Day 1 bcos Cal States might cap enrollment even more next spring; thus, there may be an advantage to applying early.</p>