<p>I know there are a lot of BS/MD programs out there, and all are very competitive. Looking through the threads here, most people are saying you need 2250+ on the SAT and a really high GPA to even be considered, but what about ACT scores? </p>
<p>I was looking at Wayne State's MedStart Program, and the requirements are a 25 ACT or 1700 SAT, and a 3.5 GPA that is recaculated to include weighting for AP/honors. Is it me, or does this program seem a little to lax? The requirements are drastically lower than any of the other BS/MD programs. Is this believable or do the applicants actually have to have superhigh test scores, etc.? (Are the requirements just low b/c it is a public university?)</p>
<p>Btw, I have a 33 ACT, 2130 SAT, and 3.86 unweighted GPA. Is this good enough for BS/MD programs like Wayne State, etc.?</p>
<p>I am VERY familiar with this program. Just because the requirements for applicants is “lax,” does not mean the program is easy to get into. It is an extremely competitive program. By allowing more people to apply, WSU keeps its admissions rate for the program low. Also, they are trying to put out the message that they don’t necessarily believe that just having good grades/test scores makes a good doctor.</p>
You should apply anyway. Never exclude yourself from a good opportunity. If the adcoms exclude applicants, that’s their business.
You should do what’s right for you.</p>
<p>Your stats look fine. What are your ECs though? Hope you have medically oriented ECs.</p>
<p>BodaciousG, can you tell me a little bit about the rigor of the program? (As far as how demanding it is) Obviously, it will require a lot of hard work, but are there a lot of hands-on activities, etc? Also, what are the perks of it? (What do you get? lol)</p>
<p>And as far as my stats go…
as mentioned, 33 ACT, 2130 SAT, 3.86 unweighted GPA
Took Eng AP Junior year and got a 4
Now, I’m taking Eng AP, Bio AP, Stats AP, and Govt AP
Was a research assistant at a Cancer Institute and did about 120+ hours there over the summer and even got a letter of rec from the professor
Shadowed a doctor for 20+ hours over the summer
Am involved in Club Med, Project Lead, National Honor Society
Chairperson for Project Lead
Have volunteered at a hospital since March of this year and will get around 150+ hours by next March
volunteered at a Medical Day care for 20+ hours two summers ago
National Merit Semifinalist (Finalist status to be determined)</p>
<p>edit: forgot to add, was in JV Men’s Track and Field since 9th grade and plan to be on the Varsity team this spring</p>
<p>…thats about it i think
but i think the low number of AP’s might hurt my chances</p>
<p>I already know that if I become a finalist for National Merit I’ll get a full ride with some extra benefits at Wayne, but I kind of wanted to go to MSU…</p>
<p>Can anyone enrolled in the bs/md program chance me:</p>
<p>I’m an international Student currently living in Toronto, Canada.
I’m an “asian” student with an American Citizenship.</p>
ACT-33 ( & 9/12 on essay)
Math 2c-800
Physics -800
Korean with listening - 760</p>
<p>AP Physics B - 5
AP Calculus AB -5</p>
<p>IB Program:
English HL - 6
Biology HL - 6
Chemistry HL -7
French SL -5
Geography SL -7
Math SL -7
TOK & Extended Essay -2 (IB Diploma)</p>
<p>Top 5% of </p>
<p>Extra Curricular:
Played school basketball team for 4 years
Played Houseleague basketball for 5 years
School badminton team -1 year
15 Math Contest Certificates and 1 Science contest certificate and 1 biology contest certificate.
Volunteer at Library 100+ (hours)
Volunteer at hospital as a translator for patients 100+
Raised money for Cancer Research, going about neighborhoods 50+
French award (highest mark in grade 10)
Math award (I don’t know if this counts b/c i got it in my gr. 8 grad)
Went to Tijuana, Mexico to help needies 150+
Went to native village to help needies 100+
School Orchestra for 4 years
School Chamber (Advanced) Orchestra for 2 years
LEADER of Church Orchestra for 2 years
Track & Field for 2 years
Math Club for 1 year</p>
<p>I’m applying to a BS/MD program.
Considering my stats and the fact that I’m an “asian” international student with an American Citizenship, which universities(With the particular program) would be realistic for me?</p>
<p>Questions may be different at different schools.
If you get a call from TCNJ/UMDNJ or Rutgers/UMDNJ, feel free to IM me and I will forward you the email I have sent before to other applicants.</p>