Hi! So on my CommonApp it asked me for my highest ACT Scores & the date of the test. My highest English, Math, and Science highest scores were all taken in September, but my highest Reading was in April and I put that. But, I only sent the September score through ACT website to the schools. My Reading was a 33 in September, 34 in April. Do I have to send the April one too then or do I change it to a 33 on CommonApp? I applied to 3 schools already & I really don’t want to be penalized for “lying.” I don’t know how I overlooked this…
Any help is greatly appreciated!
If the schools super score the ACT and your best scores were on different dates, you have to officially send both score reports. They don’t just take your word for it on test scores.
@intparent I assumed so, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks for the clarification!
But if the school doesn’t super score, is the one September test sufficient? Or do I still have to send both?
They will probably just take the score you sent with no issue. I wouldn’t worry about it if you already sent the best score, even if what you wrote on the app doesn’t match.
@intparent Thank you for your help!