ACT Scores

I applied for Engineering in Fall 2020 on July 1st and expect to hear back in September. However, my ACT scores are not enough for academic admit and I’d like them to be higher. I’ve already taken the ACT three time, each time being drastically different. The next ACT isn’t until September and I’m not sure if it would be worth taking it again if I’m already going have my decision in that same month and I will be dealing with the stress of starting senior year on top of that. Thoughts?
Composite 29, Math 26, Science 27, Reading 31, English 33, (February 2019)
Composite 28, Math 25, Science 27, Reading 26, English 31, (April 2019)
Composite 29, Math 24, Science 24, Reading 35, English 32, (July 2019)

@laurarwrites if you’re not auto or academic, you may not hear til January or February. Even if you apply early decision, autos and academics only know they got into tamu, no word on engineering til later.

What’s your rank? I advise that you take the ACT again. Can’t hurt, only help. You’ll need that math score much higher. Also what classes (math and science) have you taken so far. Engineering wants to know you are ready for those college maths and sciences.

I agree that your math score needs to be higher for engineering, not just to be admitted but to be successful in college level courses.

Are you able to complete the math section in the ACT, or is there a time issue? If so, the SAT may be a better choice, but obviously it is getting late to prepare and take the test. Can you afford a review course and/or tutor? What math did you complete last year and what were your semester grades?

Only Auto Top 10% and Academic Admits who apply by early September receive an admission decision when the first ones are released mid-September (around the 20th).

Auto and Academic Admits who applied for engineering, don’t start to receive decisions into the major until at least October and then, even some who applied by the early decision deadline, get deferred until January.

Being a holistic review applicant for the university, you are more likely to receive an admission decision to the university after January 1 and more than likely, in February-March, no matter when you applied. Review applicants for engineering receive their university admissions decision at the same time they receive the engineering major decision.

You need to consider also applying to schools that have direct admit to the major that you really want. They won’t be a top 15 ranked program but they are still great schools. Also, choose schools that you can afford. Run the financial calculator for each school applied to. It is on the school’s websites.

My rank is 8/61 or top 13% (yes, my school is small). So far I’ve taken Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Dual Credit Trigonometry, Dual Credit College Algebra; Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. This year I will probably be taking AP Calc A/B and Dual Credit Stars and Galaxies, but my science isn’t 100% certain yet.

My GPA is a 4.01 weighted and around a 3.7 unweighted; I’ve always done really good in actual math/science courses but the time limit on the ACT has messed me up. I’m not sure how I did so low on the science; I’ve been practicing at home and I’ve always done really good on the science and I still had a little time left over on test day. However, I did run out of time on the math portion.

I would not be able to afford a tutor but I have been practicing A LOT this summer with the real ACT tests floating around and the 5lb Book of ACT Problems. Plus, I have watched all of SupertutorTV’s videos on YouTube. I’ve always done pretty great at home, but not so much on test day. I never have anxiety, I think it may just be the time.

Also, I forgot to mention this, but I’ve already taken the SAT. Here’s my stats on that and the reason why I didn’t take it again:

Composite 1160, ERW 610, Math 550 (November 2018)

How many practice tests have you done for the act? There are a lot of similarities between tests so the more practice test you do the better. And really look at the problems you miss and figure them out. This is especially helpful in the math. I think you would do well to try to bring that one up in particular to get into the engineering program.

Maybe around 6-7? Not completely sure. Plus over 300 problems in a prep book.

Have you thought about taking the residual act at tamu (on campus). It counts only for tamu and is scored within 24 hours. You can’t write on the test but that and it’s a little more expensive, is the only drawback.

I wish I could do that but I live in Burleson (near Fort Worth). I don’t think I would be able to get there.

You really need to look for a backup school that you like - in case you don’t bring your scores up. Please do not focus solely on TAMU. My daughter got PSA and there were students with better stats than her that received PSA.

She was lower ranked than you - right at 40% but had similar ACT scores 28 (29m 27E).

TAMU is a great school. But there are many quality schools in Texas to consider.

I’ve already applied to UTD and am applying to UTA and UT. I may also consider some out-of-state options. Other schools isn’t a problem for me, A&M is just my number one choice.

Have you tried the online tutoring with Khan Academy? It supposedly targets your weak areas and helps you to improve. Worth checking out.
Good luck. Keep us posted.

UT Arlington will a lot more affordable than A&M. I have a student at each school. If you can’t afford to take the ACT again, college costs are going to be a big deal. The fees at UTA are also much lower than A&M, which make tuition bill a lot higher each semester.

Being in Burleson, it would not be a daily commute for you unless you leave 2+ hours early. My D gets to campus by 730 for 9 am classes, just to get a parking spot, and she lives 5 miles away.