act scores

<p>i just recieved my act scores and did okay, 28 with basically no studying. i have looked at the numbers and saw my score was within the range, but below the average. is the score going to automatically reject me?</p>

<p>No, it won't. But, as you can expect, in your application you'll have to present a pretty compelling reason (some great grades with stellar recs, or some interesting/unique ECs) for you to get in over others, and help supplement those less competitive ACT scores.</p>

<p>dbentley, was that your first time taking the ACT? If it was, you might wanna take the ACTs again, just to make sure. Nevertheless, Wesleyan won't necessarily reject you because of your scores. Wesleyan cares most about the rigor of your academic record-- how many APs you've taken, which honors you're taken, how much you've challenged yourself, etc. After that comes everything else. If your GPA/ rank is also in good standing, I would still take the ACT again but not obsess about the scores.</p>

<p>Uhhh.... as one who is done with the college admissions process, I would say that there is more emphasis on test scores than showtunesguy89 says.</p>

<p>fhimas, I guess that you're (sorta) right. Nevertheless, I'm done with the college process as well, and trust me, sometimes, scores matter less. </p>

<p>e.g. A kid that I know had a 2240 total on his SATs and another kid that I know had a 2390 total on his SATs. </p>

<p>Guess which kid got waitlisted at Columbia and which kid got rejected?
-The kid that got waitlisted had a 2240 total, but was ranked 5th out of 219
-The kid that got rejected had a 2390 total, but was ranked 14th out of 219</p>

<p>Even so, I'll concede a bit and suggest that dbentley take the ACT another time.</p>