<p>Every time i try to log in it says system currently unavailable. it's been like this since yesterday and i dunno what to do because i need to access my scores to send in some part ones!!!!!!!! AAGGHhh</p>
<p>Last week the site said they would be down from Friday night until 8:00 am this morning. Then this morning they changed it to 12:00pm today. Later this afternnon it said 8:00 tomorrow morning and now it says noon tomorrow. It is probably too late to call them today. You could probably call them in the morning and get what you need.</p>
<p>yeah what’s up with ACT? they’ve never had the site down this long. they can’t already be uploading scores??</p>
<p>ha. recession lmao</p>
<p>What’s wrong with the site? It was down yesterday and is still down =( I need to print out my Dec. Admission ticket by Friday so I can hand it over to my supervisor since I ended up calling-in that day. Are they uploading scores early? Or are they having technical difficulties?</p>
<p>This is only a hunch, but I think it is very possible they could be uploading ACT scores. With observed holidays this week and next, its conceivable they have to move up their scheduled tasks with regarding to December scores.</p>
<p>^ I doubt it.</p>
<p>I doubt it, but I rele hope it happens…</p>
<p>yeah that would be killer</p>
<p>ACT would usually have our scores available by Wednesday. They pushed back the day scores will be available online from the 24th to the 29th because of Christmas. I wish the would’ve released them a day earlier (like College Board) then almost a week later.</p>
<p>Last year, when we were able to use a quick trick to access our scores early, scores were usually available by the second Monday after the test (which would’ve been today). I wouldn’t doubt if they are uploading some scores already, but we have no way to tell unless our December 2008 exam status changes from “Registered” to “Tested” in our account, which we cannot access right now.</p>
<p>Early scores would be an awesome treat! Surprise us ACT!</p>
<p>Mine says tested now.</p>
<p>^ did you get your scores?</p>
<p>^^Ewwh, bad sign for my kid. It still just says registered. Anyone else’s say tested yet?</p>
<p>My S’s says “tested” ~ I called because he added the writing portion on the day of the test and we need to pay for it before they will release the scores. They told me that they had his multiple choice scores and once the writing is corrected I will receive a notice that I need to pay the fee before the scores are released. Bummer ~ she said it will probably be about 10 days.</p>
<p>Mine still says Registered. :[</p>
<p>Do they keep on updating status’ until the actual release date?</p>
<p>where does it say registered/tested?</p>
<p>mine’s tested</p>
<p>just kidding… i found it.</p>
<p>mine says tested</p>
<p>what exactly does “tested” mean? can you access your scores?</p>
<p>You can’t access your scores yet, but from what I understand from talking to them today your test has been scored and should be available when they release them on the 29th.</p>