ACT while dieting?

I’m taking my first ACT to get an insight of what its like and how i may perform. I’m also doing a juice cleanse that starts the day of the ACT, saturday. Should i do my cleanse the day of the ACT or should i just postpone my cleanse? im afraid of needing the bathroom while taking a test. what should i do tommorow to prepare any expert advice will help

Um, without regard to whether a juice cleanse is a smart idea, starting it on the day you take ACT is not a good idea. If you are giving up caffeine and just the low amount of calories may certainly mean you end up with a headache if not feeling miserable and unable to concentrate. And then there’s the bathroom issue. My Ds first ACT was a high score so even though you are not thinking of it as your final sitting, it would be shortsighted to not take it seriously.

@scmom12 im not giving up caffine im just eating better. i will take it seriously.

I wouldn’t change eating habits right before the ACT. Couldn’t you just start a day later? It’s really important to eat enough food before a 4-hour exam.

Don’t take a juice cleanse on the day of your ACT. Are you crazy? Juice cleanses will have you going to the bathroom every thirty minutes, time that you need to take your test. Without solid food for energy, your concentration will be hindered and your test-taking ability will be greatly decreased.