<p>I searched but can't find the answer to these 2 specific questions. First, if you're planning to send both your SAT and ACT scores to a college which requires the ACT writing (according to the ACT website search by school), will that college still generally require the ACT writing even if you're also sending the SAT score (which obviously includes writing), or is the ACT writing only required by those schools if you're only sending your ACT score without an SAT score? Second, if you're already signed up for the ACT with writing, can you still switch before the actual test (or maybe even after the test but before scoring) to omit the optional writing? The second question is only important if those schools would accept an ACT score without writing so long as it's accompanied by an SAT score - otherwise it looks like the ACT writing will be required in any event. The reason for possibly omitting the ACT writing is that SAT writing score is 780, and don't want to chance a possible lower ACT writing score which could also possibly bring down the ACT composite score. Thanks.</p>
<p>I’m no expert in answering your questions, but a few tidbits I think you should check into…</p>
<p>First, you can take the test and not forward the scores, but you probably already know this.</p>
<p>More important, my D found that the ACT writing part is quite different from the SAT. They seem to have a different set of criteria for how they grade them and what they value. It may be valuable for you to get your hands on an ACT prep book and compare it carefully to an SAT prep book. I can’t tell you for sure if this is even true, it just seemed like it was. Ask around with people at your achool and see if they agree. I’ve seen on this web site other people saying the same thing. </p>
<p>So instead of trying to work against what any college admissions have asked for (they know what they want) get ahead of the curve and be ready to do well.</p>
<p>Ok, I had read conflicting info, but I now see that according to the ACT website itself, the essay score and the combined english/essay score do not affect the ACT subject or composite scores, but I’m still curious about the answers to my questions. Thanks again.</p>
<p>Anyone know the answer to these 2 questions? Thanks</p>