Activities for UC's

I am applying to all UC’s being a Californian resident. I am fairly confident with all the parts of my application except for the activities and awards. I have a total of 12 activities including clubs, sports, volunteering, and internships and 1 award (AP scholar with honor).

There is space for 20 activities so I’m just very stressed if I have too little activities. Does anyone have more or less activities than me and has applied or is applying to UC’s?

It’s about quality, not quantity.

Don’t make up fluff just to fill out the applications.

Agree with the above poster. It is not a requirement to fill all the spaces in the application. Showing dedication to a few EC’s is better than a laundry list of many.

Agree with above but are there other courses that you took that aren’t A-G? If so, those courses also go in the Activities and Awards section.

My school did have some courses like PE and health/cc skills that are not A-G courses. I didn’t take any outside college courses though. I don’t think however it’s worth writing them in the activities section.

I get that, but I just want to know the average number of activities people mention in the UC application.

There is no average number. Just list the activities that are significant to you.

My 3 kids had a few in each category and likely entered 15-18. Most of their activities were routine school based activities. Two UCLA, one UCB. Good luck.