Ad on page

Totally. They aren’t supposed to exceed the bounds we give them at all. They get a 360x360 pixel area and THATS IT. (Or whatever size they purchase). When advertisers do this it usually is a mistake. We need to find out who it is so we can tell them to stop it. And until they stop it, they get blocked.

An alternative would be to shut down an ad placement box for all advertisers until we figure it out. But then it would just likely pop up somewhere else on the site.

The constant jumping around on the ipad and phone, which seem to be due to ads loading, is really making the site difficult to use/read. Please make it stop!

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@CC_Mike just letting you know. It’s Monday and so far I haven’t seen the offending ad!

Hooray! Our ad partner was able to replicate the problem and ban the advertiser. Thanks for all the feedback!

Yes, this is something well known to us that we’ve been trying to remedy for a while. I can’t promise anything soon other than to say that we’re working on it. Thanks for your patience!

When you fix it, will you also please consider updating the app?

Yes! The app is on our radar. We have it almost ready.

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The old app no longer works with the latest ios update

@CC_Mike See below ad which fills the entire screen

I keep getting a CC ad (ex. "find out more information about XYZ school) that pops up as soon as I click log in. It covers the log in pop up and I need to close the ad to finish logging on. Why link the pop up to someone clicking on “log in”?

And another

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^^^ Yes, that’s the one that pops up and stops me from being able to enter log on info until I click to get rid of it.

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And another

I’ve seen a Berkeley one as well.

Thanks for jinxing it

All of these should have an X in the corner. Looks like it is being obscured on some mobile devices. I’ll ask them to move it below the blue button so it is always visible.

I’m having the same issue with the ads on my phone. They pop up and obscure the entire screen. At first I thought it was because I wasn’t signed in but it’s happening when I am signed in too.

When is the mobile app coming? ; )

They do. But do they really need to cover the entire screen?

Just FYI, I had a lot of trouble logging in today. Resetting the password is what worked, but it took forever for me to realize that was what I needed to do. It would be nice if the banner on the overnight maintenance mentioned that. I kept trying to log in and kept failing…

Also FYI, after about one minute of looking at the site, a pop up asks the viewer to make an account. Only, it does not actually allow enough time to do so, and/or the account-making screen is not working correctly. I tried to make a new account a few times (before I tried resetting password), but time was up, and whoops there’s the pop up, start over.

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We’ll fix that experience - sorry about the trouble with logging in. Glad you were able to get through and thank you for reporting the friction!

Ad covering content @CC_Mike