<p>Taking finals unprepared rather than getting incompletes was a lousy decision...My kid assumed that previous decent grades in some courses would be enough to get C level grades for the semester even if the finals did not go well. The kid is also very unwilling to ask for help or advocate for self. Big mistake--barely passed these courses and really pulled down the GPA. Is there any way to salvage this after the fact?</p>
<p>If your kid wants to pursue grade changes, he should contact the teacher(s) and see if they want to change the grades to incompletes. If there is a significant reason for the lack of preparation beyond ADD, they usually try to help. If it is ADD and they won’t help, then your kid will have to take his lumps and try to do better next semester. It’s hard for ADD kids (I know, I have two and am married to another!) to get things done but until academics are at the very top of their to do list and they are personally highly motivated to do it, they are unlikely to find success. Sometimes this is a blessing in disguise. Read the thread on the Parent’s forum regarding kids flunking out their first semester of college. It was enlightening.</p>
<p>If your child is at University, then it will be hard to obtain grade appeals for all of the classes they messed up in. </p>
<p>I am sorry. The bottom line is that it would be as though your child would be coming out of left field with two scenarios (the flu and ADD) that the individual professors may or may not truly give a darn about. The questions which could very well arise are: “Why did you not just withdraw?” “Why did you not come to me with this before?” “Why are you waiting until after the fact for this and that?”</p>
<p>If your child works along with the Offices of Student Disabilities, they might have a slight chance to appeal each and every grade for each and every class. But, that is not a sure thing because it would put the Offices of Student Disabilities of the school in a bad light and so they might not want to fool with it. </p>
<p>I am not trying to be mean at all. I am just being realistic. Trust me. I am way super duper not trying to be mean here by any means at all.</p>