Adding Schools on PROFILE

<p>"You can add or remove colleges or programs at any time before you submit your PROFILE application."</p>

<p>I'm applying ED to one school, deadline 11/01/2008. Does that mean I still have to add and pay for all my other schools to receive my PROFILE now?</p>

<p>No, you can just send it to your ED school. If you end up applying to more schools for RD, you can log back onto your Profile account and request it be sent to them by their financial aid application deadlines.</p>

<p>The only problem with this is that you can't update the Profile. The info you include for ED is not the info you'll need for RD. You'll have to contact each individual school & ask them how to update your Profile info with them (they all have their own way of handling this).</p>

<p>Kelsmom, couldn't you just send them the Profile as you estimated it for the ED school, and then after you know which schools have accepted you in RD, and you've had a chance to look at the tentative FA offers, you could submit your corrections to the school you choose to attend? I mean, if you're trying to meet FA application deadlines in RD you often have to end up doing some estimating and correcting later the Profile, the FAFSA, or both. As long as your estimates are pretty accurate, it doesn't seem like it would make that much difference. Or maybe I'm missing something.</p>

<p>You do have to send them the estimated Profile, because you can't make any updates to Profile after the initial filing for the year. You are correct that you would really only need to send the corrections in to the "final" school, as long as the estimates are pretty close. If you are off on the estimates, though, you'll want to send corrections to each school you are considering in order to make sure you get an accurate award letter (so you can compare offers).</p>

<p>I had to send a bunch of Profile updates a couple years ago due to a boneheaded oversight on my part. It was a pain, but not really all that hard - just more hoops to jump through than the easy FAFSA update!</p>

<p>What if I send it to both ED and RD schools now? Do I have to update later?</p>

<p>You'll definitely have to update it after you and your parents have settled your 2008 taxes... I mean, if there's anything that is different from your estimates. We didn't have to update ours because my estimates were right almost to the dollar. It's easier for some people to come up with accurate estimates than others, depending on the sources of income.</p>

<p>You can send it to ED and RD schools now if you want, but it can get expensive, and there's no real benefit sending it now before you've heard whether you'll be accepted ED. But it's up to you, of course.</p>

<p>I just submitted my PROFILE, and the "Check Status of Application" page states:</p>

<p>**"You have submitted your PROFILE Application to the College Board. Some colleges and scholarship programs request that the College Board delay sending student PROFILE reports until the date they specify. A report of your information has been, or will be, sent to the following colleges or programs on the indicated dates.</p>

<p>If the date submitted meets your colleges' and programs' priority filing dates, your application will be considered on time."**</p>

<p>I am applying to Cornell ED, which requires me to send in the PROFILE by Nov. 1. However, the "Date Sent or Scheduled to be Sent" for Cornell indicates Nov. 20. What does this mean? Will Cornell receive my PROFILE in time for ED? Getting a little worried here. =&lt;/p>

<p>It will be fine. I remember when we did this two years ago we had the same questions, and the EA school got the Profile within a couple of days. If I remember correctly, there is a way to check if the school got it. I called college board to ask them about this, and they said it really didn't mean anything. One wonders, then, why is that even there. Oh well. Don't worry. Check on it, if you can figure out how.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>