Additional comments in UC Application

<p>What do you do for the additional comments in UC app.
Do you write an essay, a paragraph style or list activities style?</p>

<p>Leave it blank if you have nothing else to add. My general advice:</p>

<p>Additional Comments section is not an opportunity for you to write another essay. You should ONLY use this section if you have something you need to tell the admissions office that you didn’t mention anywhere else on the application. Typically this include things like other names you have used (that may be on official records you need to submit), citizenship/visa issues, or anything that does not appear anywhere else on the application. I recommend using the Additional Comments section to describe the following if they are not already mentioned somewhere on the application or your personal statement:</p>

<p>When you have a bad semester or bad year in terms of grades or extracurricular activities, you need to clarify what happened and explain what actions you took to correct the situation.</p>

<p>Discuss what you did during your gap year if you took one. UCs want to know 1) why you took a gap year and 2) what you did during the gap year.</p>

<p>If you couldn’t take summer school at your high school or community college due to budget cuts and that prevented you from achieving academically (for example, you were unable to repeat a course in which you received a D or your fall schedule was scrambled because you were not able to take a prerequisite course during summer), you need to explain that and include actions you have taken to correct the situation (for example, you tried to enroll at 2 other community colleges when the first community college you enrolled canceled the class you need).</p>

<p>Thanks, Ms. Sun! But can I say multiple things? Like paragraph<em>one is to explain why I only had a few honor courses and how my strong SAT subject tests and AP exams prove I have the same quality ; paragraph</em>two is to explain why I took so many community college courses; paragraph<em>three to explain how I enjoyed tutoring students; paragraph</em>four to explain how I forming a club.</p>

<p>Paragraph or list style is probably fine; it shouldn’t be an additional essay. I assume that you should be able to address several different issues, as long as you don’t go over the word limit by too much.</p>

<p>You can just make a list. The information doesn’t have be in essay form.</p>

<p>I’m not an expert, just an applicant, but I would say leave out paragraphs 3 and 4 because they are more for an essay.</p>