Additional Info and Covid Essay

Is it necessary to write the additional info and covid essay. I don’t have anything major to talk about. I could expand on one of my activities for the additional info but I’m stating them in few of my others essay? For the covid essay i could write about my grandad getting covid ?

The Covid essay is not a request to explain that Covid has had an impact on your life. Every person on the planet has felt it’s impact. It is there to offer a way to explain something that has dramatically affected you and/or your family in a very negative way.

Jeff Selingo, author of “Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions,” advises that AO’s he has talked with would rather you leave it blank unless there was a real impact (death, loss of job, serious illness, etc…) In other words, avoid using the space to explain why you got a C in a class, or how it was hard to focus using Zoom. If you think it might sound like an excuse, you are probably right.

As far as the additional info section, if your activity needs further explanation, you can use that space. Don’t use the space just for the sake of filling it in.