Additional Info Section Help!

In the additional info section of the common app, I am considering adding a link to my tik tok page that relates to an organization I founded. It has a significant amount of views/followers. Is it worth it to add the link or maybe just the handle? Or just not add it at all?

I doubt many AOs will click links in an application. If this is related to an organization you founded, would it not be something you mention in your EC list? That seems the most appropriate place for this information, rather than the additional information section.

Yes, in the activities section I have “TikTok account reaching 100k+ people.” Should I put the handle or link there or is that unnecessary?

I don’t think there’s any reason not to add it…I’m not sure that the AO will actually check it, but it’s perfectly fine information to include.


I can’t remember but maybe it’s school specific - but some have a place to add a link. Otherwise, put it in the activity so it’s connected vs. having to figure out what it’s related to if it were in a different place.

Okay thanks!

You can add the link in activities (don’t put in addt’l info), but links one may put in common app aren’t functional when an AO views that app in Slate (which is the way the majority of AOs read apps).


I would have modest expectations, but if you are short on characters in the Activities description box and have a link address with a lot of characters, I actually think it would be fine to put that in the Additional Information box. Probably better in the Activities section if you can, but I don’t think this would be an improper use of the Additional Information section.

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