<p>I'm wondering if I should submit something for the additional information session on the common app. One of my parents has struggled with substance abuse and depression and has been in and out of rehab throughout the year. It's been a really difficult time for my family but I know there are tons of college applicants who have gone through way worse. My guidance counselor and teachers didn't mention it in their recs as far as I know. I don't really have any academic shortcomings that I need to defend other than one B at quarter this year, but I think it explains why I haven't been as invested in the college application process as I've liked. Does this provide something beneficial to the colleges, or does it just seem like I'm trying to throw a pity party for myself, and is better left out?</p>
<p>Nobody can honestly tell you whether you should include it or not on your applications. Not unless one of us is a admissions officer.</p>
<p>I personally used the Additional Information section to explain my deflated class rank, as I had transferred during junior year, and therefore my previously taken AP classes weren’t given the same weight as they would have in my current county. My guidance counselor approved of this addition as well.</p>
<p>My case was a technical issue that definitely needed explaining. I’m not too sure if you should include information on yours, despite the hardships you faced.</p>
<p>If you must, write it in a way that doesn’t sound as though you’re trying to find excuses for whatever academic shortcomings you may have had. Providing info isn’t bad, per se, but excessive info <em>might</em> tick off admissions officers, and imply to them that you’re trying to make excuses.</p>
<p>That said, I don’t think a brief mention of it can hurt. Though one minor B in a single quarter might be too obsessive, imo :P</p>
<p>@theconformist Thanks so much for the advice. And yeah haha the one B hopefully won’t be the deciding factor in my admissions </p>
<p>@skibumphysicist </p>
<p>Not a problem. Good luck on your apps!</p>
<p>You too!!</p>