Additional LOR

<p>Has any one sent additional LOR? DS submitted EA Common App which has his LOR from 2 teachers and 1 other. He now has an additional LOR to submit. Should he e-mail it to the UM Admission Counselor who is in charge of our area? Would it be accepted? Or will it be annoying?</p>

<p>Answer your own question. Picture being inundated with applications. Think about reading countless essays and LOR’s. Imagine getting 100’s of emails every day from anxious applicants and worse, crazy parents. Now…would you want to read an extra LOR?</p>

<p>Bigdaddy88 is probably right, but we sent an extra one anyway. Included it in an email to local admissions rep with an update on other awards, accomplishments since the EA app was submitted. Purpose was to show continued interest, continued achievement senior year, and the LOR was an exceptional letter from a community service leader so it added another dimension. Sent this all in one email so as not to be annoying. UM was definitely one of his top choices and we wanted to be sure they knew that.</p>

<p>He is now a happy UM freshman :)</p>

<p>Thanks, Bigdad and Linymom, both of your excellent points are well taken. In fact, I didn’t think of it, DS does have a recent significant award that was not in the application. Yes, e-mailing both would come across very differently.</p>