Additional Rec. Letters

<p>Is it okay to send two additional recommendation letters?(one from a coach and one from a non-teacher)</p>

<p>Does Penn say anything about a limit?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>I was just accepted into CAS, and I sent 3 teacher recs. and one outside rec from a summer program (PA Governor’s School).</p>

<p>i was also accepted to CAS, and sent 3 teacher recs and an additional outside rec. its worth sending it if it is a good rec.</p>

<p>accepted to SEAS and submitted 2 teacher recs, one counselor rec, and a single extra supplemental</p>

<p>Okay, that “trend” - that 3/3 people who have sent an extra recommendation got accepted - isn’t legitimate. I’d just like to point that out.</p>

<p>There is no defined limit, but I’d imagine that you wouldn’t want to go overboard with the number of recommendations you send since it could potentially come across as excessive to the admissions office. On the other hand, if you feel like the supplemental recommendations you’re considering sending define you in a way that the others could not, go ahead and send them.</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, I was accepted and I sent the bare minimum: 2 teacher recommendations and 1 counselor recommendation, without supplemental recommendations.</p>

<p>To add to the “not legitamate” trend… I inadvertently sent a third teacher recommendation, as well as one extra recommendation… and I was accepted</p>

<p>same here— i didn’t mean to send in 3, but the college office at my school messed up. that was also in addition to a rec from my employer who i interned for this past summer.</p>

<p>I think sending 2 is the best option. Stick to their guidelines.</p>

<p>Penn has a guideline of 2 recs only?</p>