additional schools for me

<p>here is my current list: (I will take some off, and probably add some others on)</p>

<p>babson, bentley, bryant, clark, ithaca, muhlenberg, rpi, suny geneseo, suny oneonta, suny binghamton, rochester, roger williams, uconn, udel, umass, rutgers. I am interested in business (undecided), what are other schools that are strong in business in the same academic range? thanks!</p>



<p>^thanks… bump</p>

<p>Day 1 of most of your classes will be about doing research on your own. I’d listen up if I were you.</p>

<p>iv done plenty of research on my own… but im wondering if anyone has any other suggestions based on the schools im currently interested in…</p>


<p>forgot to mention im jewish, so no christian or jesuit schools would work…</p>

<p>bummmmmppppp and feel free to pm me if you want…</p>

<p>You’re going for undecided business. Just pick the cheapest school that you like the best based off of location and campus and such. Its just undergrad, not grad or professional school</p>

<p>This link may help. </p>

<p>[Business</a> Schools](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/346u73p]Business”>LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You)</p>