Adele Brumfield Decision Time

<p>Can anyone who has had Adele Brumfield as their specific admissions counselor in the past or this year tell me how long she took to deliver you your decision? I applied ages ago and people w/ different admissions counselor who applied months later have heard already.. kind of defeats the purpose of rolling but whatever. Anyway, I know she is the director of admissions but I looked it up and she is my specific admissions counselor as well. So anyone else who had her please let me know how long you were waiting before you receieved your news. Thanks, Cameron</p>

<p>What areas/schools is she the counselor for? Because my friends from my school received letters from her in early November, and no one else from my school has heard since then. I’m starting to get antsy!</p>

<p>I’m from NYC and I know she’s the counselor for my school and a few others in my area</p>

<p>however its possible that shes also the counselor for other areas as well. you can find your counselor here:
[Meet</a> Your Counselor - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Meet”></p>