Admissable to Graduate program of CS/AI?

I have not posted here for a year i think!

so here is my question and info about myself. University of Amsterdam (Top 60 World) -
Undergraduate Business (Finances) + double minor: Computer Science and Data Science. Do I qualify for graduate program of CS/AI of top 10/20 universities in US? Is my academic background enough for it?

Look at each program and see what their requirements are, it’s not 100% standardized.

Also depends on GPA and your GRE. I study in McGill so I dont know how the minor system works in Europe.
Since both of your minors are quantitative minors, I suppose you should have enough programming and math background. I study in McGill for double major in CS and political science. I can say in total your minor can count for 2/3 workload in a major CS program.
May I ask the reason why you wanna switch to CS master? If your main concern is employment, you are actually more suitable to study Information System, or Business Analytics/Data Science Master degrees. There are many posts on those programs in this websites. They have very promising future as well. Do you know this year lots of silicon valley cuts recruitment for software engineers (Facebook, Apple etc), given your background in Business and CS, you should consider Data Science related master. (I am studying data science master in Columbia )

Hard to tell. But you have done courses in data science, which are closer to Artificial Intelligence courses. However, not lots of US colleges offer artificial intelligence specialist masters.
I don’t know how much courses you have taken that are computer science related and your GRE and GRE Subscores, but generally speaking 15-20 courses in Computer Science are enough for you to be qualified for a CS master.

actually I’ve considered MS BA, in terms of employability thats even a better choice. but I have interest in AI and thats the reason I am posting a question here

Like what I said before, depends on how many computer sciences/quantitative related courses you have taken. You mentioned one of your minors is data science, so I assumed you have learned the courses like machine learning or data mining, which too some extent I can categorize them as AI-related courses (rather than general CS courses). In this case, if you still have a great passion for AI-related masters, I think you are eligible to apply them.
I have a roommate who studies physics and math from Taiwan and he only had about three programming elective course in his undergraduate study, but now he is pursuing a CS master from my school. Basically, it’s more about your math ability. If your bachelor in business program contains a solid quantitative background (Not necessarily a math degree/major, but a certain amount of math courses have to be taken. I don’t have your syllabus, so hard to tell), CS/AI related masters are very possible.
Maybe Top 10-20 programs are hard to reach, but top 40 programs are very possible.

It all depends on how many of the prerequisite courses you have that are required by the programs you apply to. It is certainly possible to be admitted but you may have to take a significant amount of remedial courses. At my university, Illinois Tech, students who have a STEM background but not a CS degree have to take 2-3 courses in programming to be able to start taking graduate courses.