Hi! I am considering an appeal to a school for an admissions decision and was wondering if anyone has advice on appealing? I believe I have a legitimate reason for appealing, not because I simply “do not agree” with the admissions decision.
When is the appropriate time to appeal? If anyone would be willing to help please PM me and I’ll explain my situation. Its a bit different, so I would prefer to discuss it over PMs
Thank you guys so much! I’ve viewed this site for awhile, but never made an account.
Aghhhh. No one PMed me so I guess I’ll post it here. I had medical issues 1st semester of college (depression and a medical condition) and had poor grades. As a result I moved closer to home and attended another school and I have all A’s and a B now. I was rejected from the only school I applied to (it was the only one I wanted to go to). I could stay at my CC for another 2 semesters and get my associate’s, but my CC is not a decent school. There is no social life on campus and not many of the clubs are active. I briefly mentioned my medical issues on my statement, but didn’t go into detail. Should I appeal and if so when is the appropriate time to do it? Do I need to include a note from my Doctor confirming my treatments? Not really sure how to go about this. :\
You’ve been at the cc for one semester? Maybe your GPA hasn’t had enough time to recover. Appeals are usually based on new information. You could try appealing, but since you already mentioned the situation in your app I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Why did you apply to only one school? You’ll have a better chance of acceptance if you widen your net. How much can your parents pay without borrowing? If you tell us your major and what you’re looking for in a school, we may be able to help you find something.
@austinmshauri I’ve looked at other schools, but I’m simply not interested right now. I know that’s horrible to say. Any other school I would want to go to I can get in through a CC agreement. I had a great application minus my GPA, but I was also planning on taking on summer classes. The decision was made before I got midterms officially. Is it worth appealing with a 3.7 now on midyear? I called and asked if they accept appeals and they said yes. I asked why I didn’t get in and they said GPA. My parents can pay for any school, finances weren’t the issue. I decided to change schools later in the year so CC was my only option. I’m a math major and I’m premed. So I also want to get settled in at a school. I hate sounding like I’m begging for an acceptance though. I mentioned the situation, but it was very brief. Honestly like a sentence. There wasn’t much space to elaborate.
What’s your cumulative GPA? Does the school have a minimum? The worst that can happen is that they say no, so it doesn’t hurt to try. I’d file it sooner rather than later though. The longer you wait, the fewer open spots there will be.
Yeah I pass the minimum! Its a 2.4 right now technically (cumulative). My current GPA right now at my new school is a 4.0. Midyear showed a 3.7, but the class I had a B in just turned to an A because of my last test. Only issue is midyear reports aren’t set in stone. For the moment they are, but I don’t know if the college will consider it since it wouldn’t be calculated into my GPA until its final. I had a few teachers offer to write Letters of Reccomendation as well as my doctor who offered to write a letter confirming my circumstances so they know its valid.