Admission chances

<p>How tough is it for an OOS admission with 3.4 GPA and only 22 ACT. Good EC"s.</p>

<p>Alabama is not a popular school in our area. Heard great things about it. Before flying down and looking, wanted to know if it was in the realm of possibility.</p>


<p>I think you’ll be fine. UA says anyone with a 1,000 SAT and a 3.0 should be successful.</p>

<p>FWIW, my lil bro got in with a 1060 SAT and a 3.2 GPA last year. UA wants and needs that OOS tuition.</p>

<p>I think a 1060 SAT = a 23 ACT.</p>

<p>First…welcome!! :)</p>

<p>Here’s the deal.</p>

<p>Bama is much MORE lenient with kids who apply early in the app season. So, if your child were to apply in July, send scores and transcripts, he’d have a much better chance for admittance. </p>

<p>And, if Bama wants to see higher scores, it won’t reject him, Bama will wait to see if he retests (if necessary) and then decide. </p>

<p>that said, I think if he applies in July, he would likely be accepted. The GPA is going to over-ride the score (in my opinion).</p>

<p>I’m from Southern Calif (now live in Alabama) and while Bama may not be “popular” in Southern Calif, there are kids at Bama (and coming to Bama ) from Calif and Southern Cal.</p>

<p>Will your child be testing again? Will he take the SAT as well?</p>

<p>^^^ Agree, apply early, take both ACT/SAT, many kids do much better on one than the other- mine did.</p>

<p>socaldad- Hi! I know what you mean being from Orange County ( S just finished his 1st year and happy with his choice) I can’t tell you how many times we’ve gotten the “why Alabama?” Believe me it wasn’t for lack of choices, after evaluating what schools have to offer (BAMA holds it’s own) we left him to decide what “felt” right. </p>

<p>I think more and more of “us” are opening up to other possibilities. Next year his h.s. will have 10 or 11 alumni at UA and I’ve heard another school will have at least 6 there. The word is getting out. </p>

<p>ROLL TIDE:)</p>

<p>Thanks all for getting me thoughts so quickly. My d just retook her ACT. Waiting to see if it improves. SAT’s were not any better. She will try again in September as well.
I am surprised to learn that applications can be submitted in July. I guess they have rolling admissions.
socalto bama…We live in san fernando valley. No one from our hs has gone to alabama in recent times. Maybe, we will be pioneers.</p>

<p>Definitely apply, we were pleasantly surprised when our D was accepted. At the time she applied she only had a 3.0 GPA and submitted her first ACT score from junior year, it was only a 20. We tried to get her to wait and apply after she re-took her ACT but she insisted on applying last September, she was accepted about 2 1/2 weeks later. I still made her re-take the test and she scored much better the second time. She ended up scoring even better on the SAT. I think it may have been a combination of applying early and being OOS that got her in. Regardless, we were thrilled and I cannot tell you how much of a relief it was to have all of her acceptance letters by October. We were way ahead of most of her classmates that did not even apply until late November/ December. I believe it also helped her starting off her senior year knowing where she was going, it took a lot of stress off of her.</p>

<p>Good Luck :)</p>

<p>I was looking at the admission page and application. I did not see any essay. Is this possible? Did I miss it? If I read correctly, all you need is an application, transcript, test score…Also, do you know when they start taking submissions of applications for Fall 21012?</p>


<p>That’s correct. No essay, no recs, and really no need for EC’s. The App should be available July 1st or shortly thereafter. Apply early and I think you’ll be happy with the results.</p>

<p>SoCal Dad…</p>

<p>When you decide to visit, let us know. We’ll tell you all that you need to know…where to stay, where to get the best food, the best directions, etc. :)</p>

<p>socaldad - as my friend said to me - "you’re a successful mom(parent) when your child is confident enough to step out of their element and explore new opportunities.’ So welcome to the pioneering spirit who knows where it will take her - Alabama?. </p>

<p>And for all those who will be sending/dropping off their child I found chanting
“I’m a successful mom (or dad) …”
as we drove away (and in those “I miss him” moments) helped. Along with the wonderful support here and the wonderful people at UA. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>